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  • male
  • 71 years old

Comments (6)

u7856 u7856

Hey Dude!!! Its me, Alotudo from Royal!

I'm on GameDuell as well as Susanplays1. I'm a money player on there. You're GizmoPeke98 there? If you're a money player we can chally each other(at least I think we can, never done it yet)..small amounts I'd rathre lose or win with you than people I don't know.

Wishing you a lovely weekend!

Hi, I saw your name many times on RG site and here in so many games. Like to add you as a friend. smile

hi, G1zmo, happy to see you here.

WOW is that your motorcycle ????? Would love a ride on that !! Many many years ago I had a small bike . How lovely for you to contact me. Yes it seems we are having a reunion . I Think its great ! Sorry we cant challenge any more but at least we can stay in touch! clap rocks