


  • male
  • 55 years old

Comments (38)

Hey babe just stopped over to remind you: always and forever


xxxxx heart love worship

Hi WWH, when I saw your score on Jungle Match, I was like >>https://i.gifer.com/8mx.gif lol and just wanted to say>>https://y.yarn.co/58830176-33a4-4b22-aafb-a13a867f9a99_text.gif ????

Hi WWH, when I saw your score on Jungle Match, I was like >>https://i.gifer.com/8mx.gif lol and just wanted to say>>https://y.yarn.co/58830176-33a4-4b22-aafb-a13a867f9a99_text.gif wink

Hi Colin, just want to wish you a...
https://www.icegif.com/wp-content/uploads/easter-icegif-21.gif heart tongue

Hi sweetheart


love you xxxxx
heart love kissing

Hi, WWH, great score on Hyper Swiper, well done! https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/media/thumbs-up-gif.101722/full clap smile

To my Jiminy, love you forever xxxxxx

https://c.tenor.com/BXU4yJPHkTsAAAAC/tenor.gif heart love worship


xxxxxxxxx heart love worship

Hi babe,


Love you forever xxxxx heart yes heart

Hi Colin, Just wanted to wish you a...
https://gifdb.com/images/high/santa-claus-merry-christmas-waving-z0qxj7frl3trrj39.gif xx heart

Hi sweetheart, stopped over to say this


Love you forever xxxx heart love heart

Hi babe, just wanted to say


heart love heart

Hi there, Just flew by to wish you:
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/13/67/62/1367620cbdc3e21f8c0f388ee4691cc4.gif xx heart

Hi babe. just wanted to wish you a


heart love heart

Hi babe, I just have this to say

https://www.orkugifs.com/en/images/i+love+you+always+and+forever_1371.gif heart love heart

https://i.gifer.com/3OiM.gif heart kissing love

Hi, well played on the leader boards & great scores from you! Any advice how I can improve my scores on some games??? best wishes from the UK smile

Hey babe wanted to say


heart love worship

Hello sweetheart just wanted to wish you a Happy Valentines Day xxxxxx love you

https://www.eventstodayz.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/happy-valentines-day-gif-animated-image.gif heart heart

Hi sweetheart, I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year kissing heart kissing xxxxxx love you
