Ludo with Friends
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Game Description

Ludo with Friends

You can play against a few friendly automated opponents in this awesome and very cute version of the classic board game. There’s also an online mode that will let you challenge other players from all around the world. Can you get each one of your tokens to the home area before they do?

Game Developer: GameDistribution

Ludo with Friends Review

Maria G
Maria G


A Fresh Take on a Classic Board Game - A Ludo with Friends Review


Diving into Ludo with Friends, I was immediately taken by its promise of a modern twist on the royal game of Pachisi. With an option to play against automated opponents or challenge folks from across the globe, it offers a nice mix of traditional gameplay with a digital social spin. However, the name might be a tad misleading, as some users have noted the lack of an option to directly invite real-life friends for a match - a minor hiccup in an otherwise charming game.

The game boasts a minimalistic board design, focused more on ease of play rather than flashy visuals. While some may find the simplicity appealing, others might long for a bit more flare. The avatars add a delightful touch of personality to the game, a small detail that does not go unnoticed. Playing against automated opponents was enjoyable, and stepping into the online mode to challenge other global players certainly amped up the competition level. Yet, I couldn't help but wish for a feature to create private lobbies with friends for a more personalized game night experience.

Despite some areas for improvement, Ludo with Friends strikes a pleasant balance between nostalgic board game fun and the convenience of online play. It might not fully live up to its name, but it surely provides entertainment and a bit of friendly competition to anyone looking to pass the time. Consider this game a solid choice for casual gamers and those looking to revisit childhood favorites with a modern twist.

Review 432 - Ludo with Friends

Game Comments

dommage qu'on ne puisse pas jouer avec nos ami(e)s du jeu !!! sad mais bon jeu quant même

Well its not really with friends ... that's just the name. The board is very minimalistic and the only thing that's cute about it is the avatar (& me). confused


Number of votes: 5